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To get started using tillywork, choose how you're going to use our application.


The easiest way is signing up to our cloud deployment at which will enable you to get started immediately.

Docker Hub

For personal use or testing purposes, you can run the application through our Docker image released on Docker Hub.


You need to have Docker installed and the Docker engine running.

1. Create a Postgres Database

To run tillywork, you need a Postgres database to connect to. The easiest way is running a Postgres docker image.

docker run --name tillywork-db -e POSTGRES_DB=tillywork -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=12345678 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:16.3-bullseye

2. Run tillywork

Run the image from Docker Hub passing in the database information:

docker run --name tillywork -e TW_DB_HOST=host.docker.internal -e TW_DB_NAME=tillywork -e TW_DB_USERNAME=postgres -e TW_DB_PASSWORD=12345678 -e TW_SECRET_KEY=tillywork -d -p 80:80 tillywork/tillywork:latest

3. Create an account

Go to /register on your instance to create an account. For example, http://localhost/register

Docker Compose

For companies and production use, use Docker compose to get set up.


You need to have Git and Docker installed and the Docker engine running.

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Create environment variables

Create a copy of the .env.example file in the project root and rename it to .env:

cp .env.example .env

3. Run tillywork

Run the Docker compose file:

docker compose -p tillywork up -d

4. Create an account

Go to /register on your instance to create an account. For example, http://localhost/register